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Phnom Penh, Capital of the 20th Century

FedEx Global Education Center, Room 1009 301 Pittsboro St., Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Post-colonial, doubly post-socialist, and post-conflict, by any account, Cambodia’s recent past has been punctuated by a series of dramatic social, economic, and political ruptures. Yet, there are also remarkable continuities. For one, the same party has held power for over … Read more

The Triangle Center for Japanese Studies presents: Maehata Ganbare!: Nation, Narration, and Immediacy in Early Japanese Sports Broadcasting by Dr. Kerim Yasar, USC

FedEx Global Education Center, Room 3009

The advent of sports broadcasting in Japan in the 1920s necessitated the creation of new forms of oral narrative performance. The sporting events themselves offered the narrative frame, and the task before the radio broadcaster was to present that bare … Read more

Goodness beyond Melodrama: Compassionate Awareness in Ozu’s Tokyo Story

Hyde Hall, University Room Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Tokyo Story (1953), the most famous film in Ozu Yasuji's so-called "Noriko triology" and regularly ranked first among the top-ten greatest films of all time, is based loosely on Leo McCrarey's 1937 American melodrama, Make Way for Tomorrow. An elderly … Read more

Endangered Cultures: the Montagnards of Cambodia and Vietnam

FedEx Global Education Center, Room 1009 301 Pittsboro St., Chapel Hill, NC, United States

The highlanders of mainland Southeast Asia are indigenous ethnic peoples whose ancestral territories once spanned the uplands of Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos. Often collectively referred to as Montagnards, they consist of more than 30 different ethnic groups, including the Bunong, … Read more

Global Career Night

Hear from a panel of stellar UNC alumni in globally focused careers! A networking reception will follow the panel. At the reception, representatives from Honors Carolina, the Peace Corps, UNC Career Services, the UNC Center for Global Initiatives, UNC Study … Read more

Cave 10: Myth, Mystery, and the Artisans of Ellora

FedEx Global Education Center, Room 3009

Ellora, Western India, is a World Heritage Site with thirty-four magnificent Hindu, Buddhist and Jain temple-caves excavated and sculpted from the mountain’s rock. Ellora Cave 10, a 7th-century Buddhist chaitya hall, or shrine, features a towering seated Buddha sculpted with … Read more

Early Childhood Development in Rural China: Evidence from the Qinling Cohort Study

FedEx Global Education Center, Room 4003 Chapel Hill, NC, United States

A growing body of cross-disciplinary research suggests that human capital deficits in early life negatively affect later life outcomes and that interventions in early childhood can substantially improve health and productivity in adulthood. Given this evidence – and growing recognition … Read more

The Carolina Asia Center supports diverse Asia-related events. However, CAC co-sponsorship of any talk, seminar, documentary screening, film screening, performance or celebration does not constitute endorsement of or agreement with the views presented therein. As an academic institution, we value diverse perspectives that promote dialogue and understanding.