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Spring 2017 Courses

Anthropology | Arabic | Art History | Asian Studies | Business | Chinese | City and Regional Planning | Communication Studies | Dramatic Art | Economics | Education | English and Comparative LiteratureGeography | Global Studies | Hindi-Urdu | History | Japanese | Korean | Linguistics | Media and Journalism | Music | Peace, War, and Defense | Persian | Political Science | Public Health | Public Policy | Religious Studies | Sociology | Turkish

East Asia | South Asia | Southeast Asia | Transnational Asia


ANTH 101: General Anthropology, Agbe-Davies, MWF 11:15-12:05 (recitation required)

ANTH 102: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Lambert, MWF 10:10-11 (recitation required)

ANTH 147: Comparative Healing Systems, Rivkin-Fish, TR 9:30-10:45 (recitation required)

ANTH 151: Anthropological Perspectives on Food and Culture, Scarry, MWF 1:25-2:15 (recitation required)

ANTH 259: Culture and Identity, TBA, TR 2-3:15

ANTH 319: Global Health, Thompson, MWF 10:10-11 (recitation required)

ANTH 447: The Anthropology of Work, Smith-Nonini, TR 11-12:15

ANTH 567: Urban Anthropology, Nonini, TR 11-12:15

ANTH 702: Sociocultural Theory and Ethnography, Escobar, M 9:05-11:35


For a thorough listing of courses related to Arabic language and culture, visit the Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations at

ARAB 102-001: Elementary Arabic II, El Kerdany, MW 9:05-9:55 & TR 9-9:50

ARAB 102-002: Elementary Arabic II, El Kerdany, MW 10:10-11 & TR 10-10:50

ARAB 102-003: Elementary Arabic II, Badr, MWF 11:15-12:05 & T 11:05-11:55

ARAB 102-004: Elementary Arabic II, Badr, MWF 12:20-1:10 & T 12:30-1:20

ARAB 102-005: Elementary Arabic II, Kauffman, MTWF 2:30-3:20

ARAB 204-001: Intermediate Arabic II, Shahu, MW 9:05-9:55 & TR 9-9:50

ARAB 204-002: Intermediate Arabic II, Shahu, MW 10:10-11 & TR 10-10:50

ARAB 204-003: Intermediate Arabic II, Shahu, MW 12:20-1:10 & TR 12:30-1:20

ARAB 300: Arabic Grammar & Composition, Badr, MWF 2:30-3:20

ARAB 306-001: Advanced Arabic II, Kauffman, MWF 10:10-11

ARAB 306-002: Advanced Arabic II, Kauffman, MWF 12:20-1:10

ARAB 443: Dissident Voices in Arab Cultures, Halabi, TR 11-12:15

ARAB/PWAD 452: Imagining Palestine, Yaqub, TR 12:30-1:45

Art History

ARTH/ASIA 273: Arts Under the Mughal Dynasty in India, Ghosh, TR 2-3:15

ARTH/ASIA 456: Art and Visual Culture of South Asia, Ghosh, TR 12:30-1:45

Asian Studies

ASIA 53: FYS: Israeli Popular Culture: The Case of Music, Sprintzik, MWF 12:20-1:10

ASIA 67H: FYS: Japanese Fashion: History and Culture, Bardsley, TR 9:30-10:45

ASIA 68: FYS: Power of Music/Music of Power: Cultural Politics of 20th-Century Arabic Music, Halabi, TR 3:30-4:45

ASIA 89: FYS: Wars and Veterans, Yaghoobi, TR 2-3:15

ASIA/RELI 183: Asian Religions, Kamath, MW 10:10-11 (recitation required)

ASIA/ARTH 273: Arts Under the Mughal Dynasty in India, Ghosh, TR 2-3:15

ASIA/HIST 276: The Modern Middle East, Shields, MW 11:15-12:05

ASIA/HIST 281: The Pacific War, 1937-1945: Its Causes and Legacy, Fletcher, TR 2-3:15

ASIA 302/RELI 287: Modern Japanese Religions, Smith, MW 3:35-4:50

ASIA 303/RELI 288: Chinese Religions, Ambros, TR 9:30-10:45

ASIA 332: The Story of Rama in India, Lothspeich, TR 12:30-1:45

ASIA/CMPL 379: Cowboys, Samurai, and Rebels in Film and Fiction, Brodey, TR 11-12:15

ASIA 390: Middle Eastern Women Writers, Yaghoobi, TR 12:30-1:45

ASIA 425: Beyond Hostilities: Israeli-Palestinian Exchanges and Collaborations in Cinema and Literature, Shemer, TR 11-12:15

ASIA/ARTH 456: Art and Visual Culture of South Asia, Ghosh, TR 12:30-1:45

ASIA/ECON 469: Asian Economic Systems, Rosefielde, TR 8-9:15


BUSI 610: Global Environment of Business, Elvers, TR 11-12:15

BUSI 610: Global Environment of Business, Elvers, TR 12:30-1:45

BUSI 617: Global Marketing, Didow, MW 12:30-1:45

BUSI 618: Global Financial Markets, TBA,  MW 12:30-1:50

BUSI 618: Global Financial Markets, TBA,  MW 2-3:20


CHIN 102-001: Elementary Chinese II, Stimpson, MWF 10:10-11 & T 10-10:50

CHIN 102-002: Elementary Chinese II: Lin, MWF 11:15-12:05 & R 11:05-11:55

CHIN 102-003: Elementary Chinese II, Lin, MWF 12:20-1:10 & R 12:30-1:20

CHIN 102-004: Elementary Chinese II, Cai, MW 1:25-2:15 & TR 1:30-2:20

CHIN 150: Introduction to Chinese Civilization, Hsiao, TR 12:30-1:45

CHIN 204-001: Intermediate Chinese II, Ge, MW 11:15-12:05 & TR 11:05-11:55

CHIN 204-002: Intermediate Chinese II, Ge, MW 1:25-2:15 & TR 1:30-2:20

CHIN 204-003: Intermediate Chinese II, Cai, MTWR 2:30-3:20

CHIN 212-001: Intermediate Written Chinese, Stimpson, MWF 9:05-9:55

CHIN 212-002: Intermediate Written Chinese, Stimpson, MWF 1:25-2:15

CHIN 252: Introduction to Chinese Culture through Narrative, Bergeton, TR 3:30-4:45 + required recitation

CHIN 306-001: Advanced Chinese II, Zhou, MWF 10:10-11

CHIN 306-002, Advanced Chinese II, Zhou, MWF 12:20-1:10

CHIN 354: Chinese Culture through Calligraphy, Li, R 3:30-6

CHIN 356: Chinese Environmental Literature, Visser, TR 9:30-10:45

CHIN 408-001, Readings in Modern Chinese II, Hsiao, TR 2-3:15

CHIN 414: Advanced Reading & Composition, Yue, TR 2-3:15

CHIN 441: Chinese-English Translation & Interpreting, Li, TR 12:30-1:45

CHIN 510: Introduction to Classical Chinese, Bergeton, TR 9:30-10:45

CHIN 631: Writing Chinese (in) America: Advanced Studies of a Foreign Language from U.S. Homeland, Yue, TR 3:30-4:45

City and Regional Planning

PLAN 651: Urban Form and the Design of Cities, Whittemore, TR 12:30-1:45

PLAN 685: Water and Sanitation Planning and Policy in Less Developed Countries, Whittington, F 9:05-11:45

PLAN 744: Development and Environmental Management, Song, TR 2-3:15

Communication Studies

COMM 350: Practices of Cultural Studies, TBA, MWF 11:15-12:05

Dramatic Art

DRAM 117: Perspectives in World Drama, Perkins, W 10:10-1

DRAM 283: Theatre History and Literature III, Zhuang, TR 9:30-10:45

DRAM 475: Costume History: Africa, Asia, and Arabia, Owen, TR 12:30-1:45


ECON 460-001: International Economics, Vaidyanathan, MWF 10:10-11

ECON 460-002: International Economics, Vaidyanathan, MWF 11:15-12:05

ECON 460-003: International Economics, Conway, TR 9:30-10:45

ECON 460-004: International Economics, Conway, TR 2-3:15

ECON 465-001: Economic Development, Vaidyanathan, MWF 9:05-9:55

ECON/ASIA 469: Asian Economic Systems, Rosefielde, TR 8-9:15

ECON 560-001: Advanced International Economics, Chari, TR 9:30-10:45

ECON 560-002: Advanced International Economics, Chari, TR 12:30-1:45


EDUC 522: Schools, Cultures, and Communities II: Schools, Stone, T 3:30-6:15

EDUC 739: Global Child: Education & Development, Simeonsson, M 9:05-12:05

EDUC 758: Immigration and Education, Rong, M 5-7:50

EDUC 776: Gender, Race, and Class Issues in Education, Trier, T 12:30-3:15

English and Comparative Literature

CMPL 143: History of Global Cinema, Pollmann, TR 12:30-1:45

CMPL/ASIA 379: Cowboys, Samurai, and Rebels in Film and Fiction, Brody, TR 11-12:15

ENGL 129-001: Literature and Cultural Diversity, Crystall, MWF 12:20-1:10

ENGL 141-001: World Literatures in English, Flanagan, TR 11-12:15

ENGL 141-002: World Literatures in English, TBA, TR 2-3:15

ENGL 143-001: Film and Culture, Ross, MW 11:15-12:05

ENGL 143-002: Film and Culture, Schroeder, MW 5-6:15

ENGL 143-003: Film and Culture, Larson, TR 8-9:15

ENGL 143-951: Film and Culture, TBA, MW 6-7:15


GEOG 56: FYS: Local Places in a Globalizing World, Cravey, TR 12:30-1:45

GEOG 120-001: World Regional Geography, Kirsch, MWF 10:10-11

GEOG 120-990: World Regional Geography, Lepofsky, ONLINE

GEOG 121: Geographies of Globalization, Florin, TR 9:30-10:45

GEOG 130: Geographical Issues in the Developing World, Havice, MWF 11:15-12:05

GEOG 424: Geographies of Religion, Olson, TR 2-3:15

GEOG 435: Environmental Politics, Havice, MWF 2:30-3:20

GEOG 448: Transnational Geographies of Muslim Societies, Gokariksel, TR 2-3:15

GEOG 703: Geographic Research Design, Emch, T 3:30-6:30

GEOG 805: Research Seminar in International Area Studies, Development, and Globalization, Pickles, R 3:30-6:30

Global Studies

GLBL/GEOG 210-001: Global Issues and Globalization, Weiler, MW 10:10-11 (recitation required)

GLBL/GEOG 210-002: Global Issues and Globalization, Osterweil, TR 9:30-10:45 (recitation required)

GLBL 281: Phillips Ambassadors Program, Tsin, TBA


HNUR 102-001: Elementary Hindi-Urdu II, Nasir, MW 10:10-11 & TR 10-10:50

HNUR 102-002: Elementary Hindi-Urdu II, Nasir, MTWR 2:30-3:20

HNUR 204: Intermediate Hindi-Urdu Ii, Nasir, MW 11:15-12:05 & TR 11:05-11:55

HNUR 306: Advanced Hindi-Urdu II, Lothspeich, TR 9:30-10:45


HIST/ASIA 136: History of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh: South Asia since 1750, Sevea, MW 3:35-4:50

HIST 140-006: The World Since 1945, Aydin, MW 10:10-11 (recitation required)

HIST 140-007: The World Since 1945, Owre, MW 9:05-9:55 (recitation required)

HIST 140-008: The World Since 1945, Hale-Dorrell, TR 8-9:15 (recitation required)

HIST 163: Modern Central Asia, Tasar, TR 3:30-4:45

HIST/ASIA 276: The Modern Middle East, S. Shields, MW 11:15-12:05 + recitations

HIST/ASIA 281: The Pacific War, 1937-1945: Its Causes and Legacy, Fletcher, TR 2-3:15

HIST 331: Sex, Religion, and Violence: Revolutionary Thought in Modern South Asia, Sevea, MWF 9:05-9:55

HIST 351: Global History of Warfare, Lee, TR 9:30-10:45 (recitation required)

HIST 398-004: Undergraduate Seminar in Africa/Asia/Middle East History, Flatt, TR 9:30-10:45

HIST 589: Race, Racism, and America: (United States) Law in Historical Perspective, McNeil, TR 2-3:15

HIST 722: Readings in Contemporary Global History, Aydin, M 3:35-6:05

HIST 816: Topics in Asian History, Fletcher, W 3:40-6:42

HIST 890: Topics in History for Graduates, Tsin, R 5-7:30


JAPN 102-001: Elementary Japanese II, Iwashita, MW 9:05-9:55 & TR 9-9:50

JAPN 102-002: Elementary Japanese II, Sawamura, MW 11:15-12:05 & TR 11:05-11:55

JAPN 102-003: Elementary Japanese II, Iwashita, MW 12:20-1:10 & TR 12:30-1:20

JAPN 102-004: Elementary Japanese II, Sawamura, MW 1:25-2:15 & TR 1:30-2:20

JAPN 102-005: Elementary Japanese II, Sawamura, MTWR 2:30-3:20

JAPN 161: Geisha in History, Fiction, & Fantasy, Bardsley, TR 3:30-4:45

JAPN 162: Japanese Popular Culture, Dixon, MWF 12:20-1:10

JAPN 204-002:Intermediate Japanese II, Kato, MW 10:10-11 & TR 10-10:50

JAPN 204-003: Intermediate Japanese II, Kato, MW 1:25-2:15 & TR 1:30-2:20

JAPN 277: Empire of Sex: Eroticism, Mass Culture, & Geopolitics in Japan, 1945-present, Driscoll, T 6-9

JAPN 306-001: Advanced Japanese II, Aratake, MWF 9:05-9:55

JAPN 306-002: Advanced Japanese II, Aratake, MWF 10:10-11

JAPN 411: Food & Culture in Japan, Aratake, M 6:05-8:50

JAPN 414: Manga as a Japanese Art & Culture, Iwashita, W 4:40-7:20

JAPN 482: Embodying Japan: The Cultures of Beauty, Sports, & Medicine in Japan, Dixon, MWF 11:15-12:05

JAPN/LING 563: Structure of Japanese, Smith, TR 11-12:15


KOR 102-001: Elementary Korean II, MW 11:15-12:05 & TR 11:05-11:55

KOR 102-002: Elementary Korean II, Bang, MW 12:20-1:10 & TR 12:30-1:20

KOR 102-003: Elementary Korean II, MTWR 2:30-3:20

KOR 102-004: Elementary Korean II, MW 9:05-9:55 & TR 9-9:50

KOR 204-001: Intermediate Korean II, Bang, MW 10:10-11 & TR 10-10:50

KOR 204-002: Intermediate Korean II, Bang, MW 1:25-2:15 & 1:30-2:20

KOR 306: Advanced Korean II, Jo, TR 11-12:15

KOR 327: Korean Diasporas, Jo, TR 2-3:15


LING/JAPN 563: Structure of Japanese, Smith, TR 11-12:15

Media and Journalism

MEJO 441: Diversity and Communication, McDonald, TBA


MUSC 146: Introduction to World Musics, Figueroa, MW 2:30-3:20 (recitation required)

MUSC 234: World Musics in Theory and Practice, TBA, TBA

Peace, War, and Defense

PWAD 351: Global History of Warfare, Lee, TR 9:30-10:45 (recitation required)


For a thorough listing of courses related to Middle Eastern languages and cultures, visit the Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations at

PRSN 102: Elementary Persian II, Adel, MWF 10:10-11

PRSN 204: Intermediate Persian II, Adel, MWF 11:15-12:05

PRSN 306: Advanced Persian II, Adel, MWF 1:25-2:15

Political Science

POLI 130-001: Introduction to Comparative Politics, Maxwell, MW 9:05-9:55 (recitation required)

POLI 130-002: Introduction to Comparative Politics, Carty, TR 2-3:15 (recitation required)

POLI 150-001: International Relations and World Politics, Oatley, MW 11:15-12:05 (recitation required)

POLI 150-002: International Relations and World Politics, Bird, MW 2:30-3:45 (recitation required)

POLI 150-003: International Relations and World Politics, Cilizoglu, TR 9:30-10:45 (recitation required)

POLI 731: The Politics of Development and Change, Robertson, R 3:30-6:30

POLI 750: Theories of International Relations I, Crescenzi, R 12:30-3:20

Public Health

HPM 664: Globalization and Health, Fried, TR 11-1:45

PUBH 500: Global Health Discussion Series, Fried, W 5:45-7:15

PUBH 712-01W: Global Health Ethics, Ramaswamy, TBA, TBA

PUBH 712-965: Global Health Ethics, Ramaswamy & Philpott, TBA, TBA

PUBH 712-966: Global Health Ethics, Ramaswamy & Philpott, TBA, TBA

Public Policy

PLCY 110: Global Policy Issues, Sullivan, MW 10:10-11

PLCY 717: Political Institutions: Macro-Level Processes, Nesting, and Institutional Dynamics, Jagger, W 2:30-5

Religious Studies

For a thorough listing of courses related to Islam, visit the Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations at

RELI 73H: FYS: From Dragons to Pokemon: Animals in Japanese Myth, Folklore, and Religion, Ambros, TR 3:30-4:45

RELI 165: Mysticism, Dsilva, TR 9:30-10:45

RELI 180: Introduction to Islamic Civilization, Adem, TR 3:30-4:45

RELI/ASIA 183: Asian Religions, Kamath, MW 10:10-11 (recitation required)

RELI 287/ASIA 302: Modern Japanese Religions, Smith, MW 3:35-4:50

RELI 288/ASIA 303: Chinese Religions, Ambros, TR 9:30-10:45

RELI 582: Islam and Islamic Art in South Asia, Ernst, M 2-4:50


SOCI 101-001: Sociological Perspectives, Husain, TR 3:30-4:45

SOCI 101-002: Sociological Perspectives, Hwang, MWF 11:15-12:05

SOCI 101-003: Sociological Perspectives, Tait, MWF 9:05-9:55

SOCI 101-004: Sociological Perspectives, Krull, MWF 1:25-2:15

SOCI 101-005: Sociological Perspectives, Schultz, MWF 10:10-11

SOCI 101-006: Sociological Perspectives, Schorpp, MWF 11:15-12:05

SOCI 101-007: Sociological Perspectives,  Dunn, MWF 4:40-5:30

SOCI 101-990: Sociological Perspectives, Yazhida, ONLINE

SOCI 121: Population Problems, Zaidi, TR 8-9:15

SOCI 122-001: Race & Ethnic Relations, Hastings, TR 12:30-1:45

SOCI 122-002: Race & Ethnic Relations, Rigby, MWF 12:50-2:20

SOCI 122-003: Race & Ethnic Relations, TBA, TBA

SOCI 122-990: Race & Ethnic Relations, Hastings, ONLINE


For a thorough listing of courses related to Middle Eastern languages and cultures, visit the Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations at

TURK 102: Elementary Turkish II, Havlioglu, MWF 1:25-2:15

TURK 204: Intermediate Turkish II, Havlioglu, MW 4:40-5:55