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National University of Singapore School of Computing

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School of Information and Library Science, Study Abroad
Program Website

Join the hundreds of Carolina students who have studied abroad at the National University of Singapore, an elite institution that is one of UNC-Chapel Hill’s strategic partners!

Students will learn and live at NUS’s main Kent Ridge Campus in southwest Singapore. This exchange option is housed in the School of Computing at NUS and is intended for UNC undergraduates in the Department of Computer Science and the School of Information & Library Science. The NUS School of Computing has two departments: Computer Science and Information Systems. The Department of Computer Science offers three undergraduate programs: Computer Science, Information Systems, and Computational Biology.

Academics are the focus of this program, but the excitement and opportunity of living in Singapore should not be overlooked! As a gateway destination unlike any other, Singapore, with its strategic location, diverse population, and dynamic economy, is an excellent introduction to Asian cultures and globalization. It’s safe and easy to navigate, even for first-time travelers. NUS is an entirely English-speaking campus, and throughout Singapore, English is widely spoken as one of the country’s four official languages.