Workshops 2022-2023
Workshops 2022
Popular Culture in Asia: China, Japan, & Vietnam | February 26, March 19, April 9 – 10:30AM – 12:00PM Virtual
This semester the North Carolina Teaching Asia Network and the South Carolina Center for Teaching About Asia will present a three-session workshop on Popular Culture in Asia. Specialists in Asian Studies will present key themes in popular culture from China, Japan, and Vietnam, giving educators across the Carolinas a perspective that highlights social and historical roots of popular cultural forms. Talks will address issues such as the ways in which science fiction writers use literature to contemplate the changing urban landscape in contemporary China, and how censorship affects cultural production in Vietnam. Teachers who participate in the workshop will discover new stories and films from Asia to introduce to students and develop vocabulary with which to discuss Asian pop culture in the classroom. Workshop attendees will receive supplementary materials provided by the centers.
For any questions regarding this event, please direct your questions to NCTAN Director Shuyi Lin at or to SCCTA Director Krista Van Fleit at
Workshops 2019 – 2021
Overview of Taiwan: History, Food, and Popular Culture | October 9, 2021, 8:45AM – 12:15PM, Virtual
Want to learn more about Taiwan? Join the North Carolina Teaching Asia Network (NCTAN) and South Carolina Teaching About Asia (SCCTA) for a virtual, half-day overview of Taiwan from historical, culinary, and anthropological lenses with experts from the University of North Carolina and University of South Carolina.
Disaster in China and Japan; what can we can learn from them? | June 10-11, 2021, Virtual
The Thursday seminar starts with a lecture on the 1959-61 famine in China, followed by an introduction to resources on East Asia and viewing of a film, “Radiant.” Friday workshops include an award-winning book, Last Cherry Blossom, author’s reading & discussion. And then we will have discussion and Q&A sessions with Motoko on the film “Radian” and Fukushima updates . Friday afternoon , participants will learn how to make a story and create one with MOTOKO. A certificate of completion will be provided after the seminar for your professional development hours.
Japan’s Floating World: Politics, Art, and Society During the Edo Period (1603-1868) Ι September 28, 2019, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., UNC-Chapel Hill
The Edo period (江戸時代, Edo jidai) or Tokugawa period (徳川時代) in Japan from 1603 to 1868 was a critical period in Japanese social, economic, political and cultural history. The Carolina Asia Center, Ackland Art Museum, and North Carolina Teaching Asia Network is excited to offer a free K-12 educator workshop dedicated to the Edo period on September 28, 2019 at UNC-Chapel Hill. “Japan’s Floating World: Politics, Art, and Society during the Edo Period (1603-1868)” will allow NC educators to learn about the history of the Edo period and will investigate questions such as: Who collected and owned art and what were these forms of art? What was the political structure of Japan? What did woodblock prints tell us about society and culture? Three lecturers, Dr. Morgan Pitelka, Dr. Yixin Chen, and Madison Folks, will introduce us to the intersections of art, culture, and politics during the Edo period during the first part of the workshop, and then we will visit the Ackland Museum to look at woodblock prints and other forms of art during the second part of the workshop. We will close the workshop with presentations from UNC staff on K-16 Asia- related resources.