2023 Spring Courses
UNC-Chapel Hill boasts not only a thriving Asian Studies department but also a wide variety of interdisciplinary courses with Asia-related content. The Carolina Asia Center maintains a list of all graduate and undergraduate courses on campus that contain Asia content. You can search this list below by academic subject or geographic region. Each listing notes the department abbreviation, course number, course title, last name of the course instructor, meeting days and meeting time.
We strive to keep this list as accurate and up-to-date as possible. If a course listing is incorrect or missing from this page, please contact cac@unc.edu. To view requirements for Asian Studies majors, visit our partners at the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.
2023 Spring Courses
Anthropology | Arabic | Asian and Middle Eastern Studies | Chinese | City and Regional Planning | Communication | Comparative Literature | Education | English | Environment | Geography | Global Studies | Hindi-Urdu | History | Japanese | Korean | Linguistics | Music l Peace, War, and Defense | Political Science |Public Health | Public Policy | Religious Studies | Sociology | Vietnamese | Women and Gender Studies
ANTH 101-001, General Anthropology, Colin West, TTH 11:00 AM-12:15 PM. Recitation Required
ANTH 102-001. Cultural Anthropology, Valerie Lambert, MWF 01:25 PM-02:15 PM, Recitation Required
ANTH 142-001, Local Cultures Global Forces, Christopher Middleton, TTH 03:30 PM-04:45 PM, Recitation Required
ANTH 294-001, Anthropological Perspectives on Society and Culture, Joella Bitter, TTH 12:30 PM-01:45 PM, Restricted to anthropology majors
For a thorough listing of courses related to Arabic language and culture, visit the Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations at mideast.unc.edu.
ARAB 102-001, Elementary Arabic Il, Caroline Robinson, T 09:00 AM-09:50 AM
ARAB 102-001, Elementary Arabic II, Carolina Robinson, MWF 09:05 AM-09:55 AM
ARAB 102-002, Elementary Arabic II, Alan Kauffman, TTH 10:00 AM-10:50 AM
ARAB 102-002, Elementary Arabic II, Alan Kauffman, MW 10:10 AM-11:00 AM
ARAB 102-003, Elementary Arabic II, Caroline Robinson, T 11:05 AM-11:55 AM
ARAB 102-003, Elementary Arabic II, Caroline Robinson, MWF 11:15 AM-12:05 PM
ARAB 102-004, Elementary Arabic II, Doria Elkerdany, MTWF 02:30 PM-03:20 PM
ARAB 204-001, Intermediate Arabic II, Alan Kauffman, TTH 09:00 AM-09:50 AM
ARAB 204-001, Intermediate Arabic II, Alan Kauffman, MW 09:05 AM-09:55 AM
ARAB 204-002, Intermediate Arabic II, Alan Kauffman, TTH 12:30 PM-01:20 PM
ARAB 204-002, Intermediate Arabic II, Alan Kauffman, MW 12:20 PM-01:10 PM
ARAB 300-001, Arabic Grammar and Composition, Doria Elkerdany, MWF 01:25 PM-02:15 PM
ARAB 306-001, Advanced Arabic II, Caroline Robinson, MWF 12:20 PM-01:10 PM
ARAB 308-001, Arabic Language Recitation, Caroline Robinson, W 02:30 PM-03:20 PM (Prerequisite: ARAB-204)
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
ASIA 57-001, FYS Dis-Orienting The Orient, Dwayne Dixon, MWF 01:25 PM-02:15 PM
ASIA 61-001, FYS India/Master Filmmakers, Pamela Lothspeich, TTH 03:30 PM-04:45 PM
ASIA 61-001, FYS India/Master Filmmakers, Pamela Lothspeich, M 05:45 PM-08:15 PM
ASIA 180-001, Intro to Islamic Civilization, Yasmin Flodin-Ali, TTH 12:30 PM-01:45 PM
ASIA 181-001, Modern Muslim Societies, Waleed Ziad, MW 12:20 PM-01:10 PM
ASIA 211-001, The Silk Road, Mark Driscoll, T 06:20 PM-08:50 PM
ASIA 283-001. Chairman Mao’s China, Michael Tsin, MW 03:35 PM-04:50 PM
ASIA 285-001, Buddhist Traditions in Southeast Asia, Lauren Leve, TTH 09:30 AM-10:45 AM
ASIA 288-001, 20th Century Japan, Zhuo Jun Wu, MWF 10:10 AM-11:00 AM
ASIA 383-001, The Mahabharata, Pamela Lothspeich, TTH 05:00 PM-06:15 PM
ASIA 469-001, Asian Economic Systems, Steven Rosefielde, TTH 08:00 AM-09:15 AM (Prerequisites, ECON 400, and 310 or 410; a grade of C or better in ECON 400, and 310 or 410)
ASIA 490-001, Advanced Topics in Asian Studies, Dongsoo Bang, W 01:25 PM-02:15 PM
ASIA 581-001, Sufism, Waleed Ziad, MW 05:00 PM-06:15 PM
ASIA 722-001, Asia In Motion, Ji-Yeon Jo, W 09:05 AM-11:35 AM
ASIA 730-001, The East Asian Anthropocene, Mark Driscoll, W 03:35 PM-06:05 PM
ASIA 770-001, The Moving Imagination, Afroz Taj, TTH 12:30 PM-01:45 PM
ASIA 782-001, Middle Eastern Visual Culture, Nadia Yaqub, T 03:30 PM-06:00 PM
CHIN 102-001, Elementary Chinese II, Jia Lin, T 09:00 AM-09:50 AM, Prerequisite, CHIN 101.
CHIN 102-001, Elementary Chinese II, Jia Lin, MWF 09:05 AM-09:55 AM, Prerequisite, CHIN 101.
CHIN 102-002, Elementary Chinese II, Luoyi Cai, TTH 10:00 AM-10:50 AM. Prerequisite, CHIN 101.
CHIN 102-002, Elementary Chinese II, Luoyi Cai, MW 10:10 AM-11:00 AM, Prerequisite, CHIN 101.
CHIN 102-003, Elementary Chinese II, Jia Lin, T 12:30 PM-01:20 PM, Prerequisite, CHIN 101.
CHIN 102-003, Elementary Chinese II, Jia Lin, MWF 12:20 PM-01:10 PM, Prerequisite, CHIN 101.
CHIN 102-004, Elementary Chinese II, Luoyi Cai, TTH 01:30 PM-02:20 PM, Prerequisite, CHIN 101.
CHIN 102-004, Elementary Chinese II, Luoyi Cai, MW 01:25 PM-02:15 PM, Prerequisite, CHIN 101.
CHIN 150-001, Chinese Civilizations, Li-Ling Hsiao, TTH 09:30 AM-10:45 AM, Recitation Required
CHIN 204-001, Intermediate Chinese II, Na Fan, T 11:05 AM-11:55 AM, Prerequisite, CHIN 203.
CHIN 204-001, Intermediate Chinese II, Na Fan, MWF 11:15 AM-12:05 PM, Prerequisite, CHIN 203.
CHIN 204-002, Intermediate Chinese II, Luoyi Cai, MTWTH 02:30 PM-03:20 PM, Prerequisite, CHIN 203.
CHIN 212-001, Intermediate Written Chinese, Lini Polin, MWF 10:10 AM-11:00 AM, Prerequisite, CHIN 111.
CHIN 212-002, Intermediate Written Chinese, Lini Polin, MWF 01:25 PM-02:15 PM, Prerequisite, CHIN 111.
CHIN 212-003, Intermediate Written Chinese, Na Fan, MWF 01:25 PM-02:15 PM, Prerequisite, CHIN 111.
CHIN 306-001, Advanced Chinese II, Yi Zhou, MWF 10:10 AM-11:00 AM, Prerequisite, CHIN 305.
CHIN 306-002, Advanced Chinese II, Yi Zhou, MWF 12:20 PM-01:10 PM, Prerequisite, CHIN 305.
CHIN 308-001, Chinese Languages across the Curriculum Recitation, Luoyi Cai, W 04:40 PM-05:30 PM, Prerequisite, CHIN 212 or CHIN 305.
CHIN 408-001, Readings Chinese II, Jia Lin, MWF 01:25 PM-02:15 PM, Prerequisite, CHIN 407.
CHIN 441-001, Chinese-English Translation, Lini Polin, MWF 12:20 PM-01:10 PM
CHIN 525-001, Ancient Philosophers, Gang Yue, TTH 02:00 PM-03:15 PM, Prerequisite, CHIN 408, or 313.
CHIN 545-001, Chinese Science Fiction, Robin Visser, TTH 11:00 AM-12:15 PM
City and Regional Planning
PLAN 246-001, Cities Of Past, Present, & Future, Danielle Spurlock, TTH 11:00 AM-12:15 PM
PLAN 330-001, Principles Of Sustainability, Miyuki Hino, TTH 11:00 AM-12:15 PM
Communication Studies
COMM 318-001, Cultural Diversity, Lisa Calvente, MW 01:25 PM – 02:40 PM, Recitation Required
Comparative Literature
CMPL 143-001, History Of Global Cinema, Martin Johnson, MW 01:25 PM – 02:15 PM
CMPL 232-001, Imagining The City in Modern Korea: Text, Image, Space, I Jonathan Kief, TTH 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
CMPL 246-001, Body Politics in Modern Korean Literature, I Jonathan Kief, TTH 03:30 PM – 04:45 PM
CMPL 246-001, Chinese Science Fiction, Robin Visser, TTH 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
EDUC 739-001, Global Child, Chih-Ing Lim, Th, 04:30 PM – 07:15 PM
ENGL 129-001, Lit/Cultural Diversity, Soren Palmer, MWF 02:30 PM – 03:20 PM
ENGL 129-002, Lit/Cultural Diversity, Danielle Marie Christmas, MWF 04:40 PM – 05:30 PM
ENGL 265-001, Lit and Race/Lit and Ethnicity, Danielle Marie Christmas, MWF 05:45 PM – 06:35 PM
ENGL 270-001, Studies In Asam Lit, Kita Kim Douglas, MW 01:25 PM – 02:40 PM
ENEC 201-001, Environment and Society, Gregory Gangi, MWF 12:20 PM – 01:10 PM, Recitation Required
ENEC 201-01F, Environment and Society, Gregory Gangi, MWF 10:10 AM – 11:00 AM, Recitation Required
GEOG 120-001, World Regional Geography, John Pickles, TTH 09:30 AM – 10:45 AM
GEOG 120-002, World Regional Geography, Jonathan Lepofsky, MWF 02:30 PM – 03:20 PM
GEOG 121-001, Geographies of Globalization, Jonathan Lepofsky, MWF 11:15 AM – 12:05 PM
GEOG 130-002, Development and Inequality, TTH 02:00 PM – 03:15 PM
GEOG 130-01F, Development and Inequality, MWF 01:25 PM – 02:15 PM
GEOG 210-001, Global Issues and Globalization, Michal Osterweil, MW 10:10 AM – 11:00 AM
GEOG 212-001, Env Cons Global Change, Paul Taillie, TTH 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
GEOG 423-001, Social Geography, Elizabeth Olson, MWF 09:05 AM – 09:55 AM
GEOG 428-001, Global Cities, Jonathan Lepofsky, TTH 02:00 PM – 03:15 PM
GEOG 435-001, Global Environmental Justice, Elizabeth Havice, MWF 09:05 AM – 09:55 AM
Global Studies
PLCY 110-001, Global Policy Issues, Patricia Sullivan, MW 01:25 PM-02:15 PM, Recitation Required
GLBL 210-001, Global Issues and Globalization, Michal Osterweil, MW 10:10 AM – 11:00 AM
GLBL 290-001, Current Topics in Global Studies, “Xi Jinping’s ‘Chinese Dream’ and Taiwan, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong”, Michael Tsin, TH 02:00 PM – 04:30 PM
GLBL 413-001, Socialist & Decolonial Ecologies, Mark Driscoll, TTH 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
GLBL 692H-001, Honors in Global Studies, Erica Johnson, W 02:00 PM – 04:30 PM
GLBL 700-001, Intro To Global Studies, Michal Osterweil, T 12:30 PM – 03:15 PM
HNUR 102-001, Elementary Hindi-Urdu II, John Caldwell, MW 10:10 AM – 11:00 AM & TTH 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM
HNUR 102-002, Elementary Hindi-Urdu II, John Caldwell, MW 12:20 PM – 01:10 PM & TTH 12:30 PM – 01:20 PM
HNUR 204-001, Intermediate Hindi-Urdu II, John Caldwell, MW 11:15 AM – 12:05 PM & TTH 11:05 AM – 11:55 AM
HNUR 306-001, Advanced Hindi-Urdu II, Afroz Taj, TTH 02:00 PM – 03:15 PM
HNUR 308-001, Hindi-Urdu Languages across the Curriculum Recitation, John Caldwell, M 02:30 PM – 03:20 PM
HIST 132-001, Modern Southeast Asia, Kevin Fogg, MWF 09:05 AM-09:55 AM
HIST 141-001, Globalization Since 1500, Lauren Jarvis, MW 09:05 AM-09:55 AM
HIST 163-001, Modern Central Asia, Eren Tasar, TTH 03:30 PM-04:45 PM
HIST 210-001, Global Issues and Globalization, Michal Osterweil, MW 10:10 AM-11:00 AM
HIST 247-001, Early Modern Japan History & Culture, Morgan Pitelka, TTH 02:00 PM-03:15 PM
HIST 266-006, Global History Of Warfare, Wayne Lee, TTH 12:30 PM-01:45 PM
HIST 283-001, Chairman Mao’s China, Michael Tsin, MW 03:35 PM-04:50 PM
HIST 285-006, 20th-Century China, Michelle King, TTH 11:00 AM-12:15 PM
HIST 288-001, 20th Century Japan, Zhuo Wu, MWF 10:10 AM-11:00 AM
HIST 580-001, International Relations and Public History, Klaus Larres, TH 05:00 PM-07:30 PM
JAPN 102-001, Elementary Japanese II, Fumi Iwashita, MW 09:05 AM – 09:55 AM & TTH 09:00 AM – 09:50 AM
JAPN 102-002, Elementary Japanese II, Fumi Iwashita, MW 10:10 AM -11:00 AM & TTH 10:00 AM -10:50 AM
JAPN 102-003, Elementary Japanese II, Fumi Iwashita, MW 12:20 PM – 01:10 PM & TTH 12:30 PM – 01:20 PM
JAPN 102-004, Elementary Japanese II, Yuko Kato, MW 01:25 PM – 02:15 PM & TTH 01:30 PM – 02:20 PM
JAPN 102-005, Elementary Japanese II, Katsuhiko Sawamura, MTWTH 02:30 PM – 03:20 PM
JAPN 102-006, Elementary Japanese II, Katsuhiko Sawamura, MTWTH 03:35 PM – 04:25 PM
JAPN 162-001, Japanese Popular Culture, Dwayne Dixon, MW 11:15 AM – 12:05 PM
JAPN 204-001, Intermediate Japanese II, Yuko Kato, MW 11:15 AM – 12:05 PM & TTH 11:05 AM – 11:55 AM
JAPN 204-002, Intermediate Japanese II, Yuko Kato, MTWTH 02:30 PM – 03:20 PM
JAPN 246-001, Early Modern Japan History & Culture, Morgan Pitelka, TTH 02:00 PM – 03:15 PM
JAPN 306-002, Advanced Japanese II, Yuki Aratake, MWF 10:10 AM – 11:00 AM
JAPN 411-001, Food & Culture In Japan, Yuki Aratake, M 06:15 PM – 08:45 PM
JAPN 418-001, Service Learning In Japanese, Katsuhiko Sawamura, W 06:15 PM – 08:45 PM
JAPN 563-001, Structure Of Japanese, Jennifer Smith, TTH 03:30 PM – 04:45 PM
KOR 102-001, Elementary Korean II, Eunji Lee, MWF 09:05 AM – 09:55 AM & T 09:00 AM – 09:50 AM
KOR 102-002, Elementary Korean II, Dongsoo Bang, MW 10:10 AM – 11:00 AM & TTH 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM
KOR 102-003, Elementary Korean II, Eunji Lee, MWF 11:15 AM – 12:05 PM & TTH 01:30 PM – 02:20 PM
KOR 102-004, Elementary Korean II, Giseung Lee, MW 01:25 PM – 02:15 PM & TTH 01:30 PM – 02:20 PM
KOR 204-001, Intermediate Korean II, Dongsoo Bang, MW 09:05 AM – 09:55 AM & TTH 09:00 AM – 09:50 AM
KOR 204-002, Intermediate Korean II, Dongsoo Bang, MW 12:20 PM – 01:10 PM & TTH 12:30 PM – 01:20 PM
KOR 232-001, Imagining The City in Modern Korea: Text, Image, Space, I Jonathan Kief, TTH 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
KOR 306-001, Advanced Korean II, Eunji Lee, MWF 12:20 PM – 01:10 PM
KOR 308-001, Korean Languages Across the Curriculum, Dongsoo Bang, W 01:25 PM – 02:15 PM
KOR 346-001, Body Politics – Modern Korean Literature, I Jonathan Kief, TTH 03:30 PM – 04:45 PM
LING 101-001, Introduction to Language, Brian Hsu, MW 11:15 AM -12:05 PM, Recitation Required
LING 101-002, Introduction to Language, None, MWF 01:25 PM – 02:15 PM
LING 101-003, Introduction to Language, None, TTH 12:30 PM – 01:45 PM
LING 145-001, Language, Communication, and Human and Animal Minds, Sara Copic, MW 03:35 PM – 04:50 PM
LING 165-001, Exploring the World’s Languages, None, Remote/Asynchronous
LING 202-001, Linguistic Variation and Language Change, David Mora-marin, MWF 12:20 PM – 01:10 PM
LING 260-001, Languages Of Southeast Asia, Becky Butler, MWF 10:10 AM -11:00 AM
LING 563-001, Structure Of Japanese, Jennifer Smith, TTH 03:30 PM – 04:45 PM
MUSC 212, Ensemble II: Gamelan, John Caldwell, W 07:00 PM -10:00 PM
Peace, War, and Defense
PWAD 110-001, Global Policy Issues, Patricia Sullivan, MW 01:25 PM-02:15 PM, Recitation Required
PWAD 120-001, World Regional Geography, John Pickles, TTH 09:30 AM – 10:45 AM
PWAD 120-002, World Regional Geography, Jonathan Lepofsky, MWF 02:30 PM – 03:20 PM
PWAD 150-001, International Relations and Global Politics, Cameron Rosa-Ballard, MW 09:05 AM – 09:55 AM, Recitation Required
PWAD 150H-001, International Relations and Global Politics, Mark Crescenzi, TTH 03:30 PM – 04:45 PM
PWAD 207-001, The Global Cold War, None, None
PWAD 252H-001, International Organizations and Global Issues, Robert Jenkins, TTH 09:30 AM – 10:45 AM
PWAD 266-001, Global History Of Warfare, Wayne Lee, TTH 12:30 PM – 01:45 PM
PWAD 363-001, Ethics In International & National Security, Erinn Whitaker, TTH 12:30 PM – 01:45 PM
PWAD 444-001, Terrorism & International Peace, None, None
PWAD 457-001, International Conflict Processes, Stephen Gent, MW 03:35 PM – 04:50 PM
Political Science
POLI 130-001, Introduction to Comparative Politics, Ashley Anderson, MW 11:15 AM – 12:05 PM, Recitation Required
POLI 130-002, Introduction to Comparative Politics, Courtney Blackington, TTH 03:30 PM-04:45 PM
POLI 130-01F, Introduction to Comparative Politics, Ashley Anderson, MW 03:35 PM-04:50 PM
POLI 150-001, International Relations and Global Politics, Cameron Rosa-Ballard, MW 09:05 AM – 09:55 AM, Recitation Required
POLI 150H-001, International Relations and Global Politics, Mark Crescenzi, TTH 03:30 PM – 04:45 PM
POLI 210-001, Global Issues and Globalization, Michal Osterweil, MW 10:10 AM – 11:00 AM
POLI 252H-001, International Organizations and Global Issues, Robert Jenkins, TTH 09:30 AM – 10:45 AM
POLI 751-001, Theories of International Relations II, Cameron Rosa-Ballard, M 12:20 PM-03:10 PM
Public Health
PUBH 710-001, Introduction to Global Health Ethics, William Oscar Fleming, TBA
PUBH 711-01W, Critical Issues in Global Health, Karar Ahsan, Remote/Asynchronous
PUBH 711-01W, Critical Issues in Global Health, Marie Excellent, Remote/Asynchronous
PUBH 711-965, Critical Issues in Global Health, Marie Excellent, Remote/Asynchronous
PUBH 711-965, Critical Issues in Global Health, Karar Ahsan, Remote/Asynchronous
Public Policy
PLCY 51-001, First Year Seminar: The Global Environment in the 21st Century, Elizabeth Sasser, TTH 11:00 AM-12:15 PM
PLCY 110-001, Global Policy Issues, Patricia Sullivan, MW 01:25 PM-02:15 PM, Recitation Required
PLCY 352H-01S, Public Policy / Global Affairs, Daniel Gitterman, TBA
PLCY 353H-01S, Experts and Global Challenges, Daniel Gitterman, TBA
Religious Studies
RELI 180-001, Introduction to Islamic Civilization, Yasmine Alison Flodin-Ali, TTH 12:30 PM-01:45 PM
RELI 181-001, Modern Muslim Societies, Waleed Ziad, MW 12:20 PM-01:10 PM
RELI 184-001, East Asia Religions, Barbara Ambros, TTH 02:00 PM-03:15 PM
RELI 185H-001, Women/Gender/Islam, Juliane Hammer, TTH 11:00 AM-12:15 PM
RELI 232-001, Shrines And Pilgrimages, Jaison Carter, TTH 02:00 PM-03:15 PM
RELI 279-001, Islamic Law, Arpan Bhandari, TTH 03:30 PM-04:45 PM
RELI 285-001, Buddhist Traditions in Southeast Asia, Lauren Leve, TTH 09:30 AM-10:45 AM
RELI 581-001, Sufism, Waleed Ziad, MW 05:00 PM-06:15 PM
SOCI 100-01F, Sociological Perspective Film, Neal Caren, TTH 11:00 AM-12:15 PM
SOCI 101-001, Sociological Perspectives, Matthew Lammers, MWF 12:20 PM-01:10 PM
SOCI 101-002, Sociological Perspectives, Alexandrea Ravenelle, TTH 02:00 PM-03:15 PM
SOCI 101-003, Sociological Perspectives, Karen Guzzo, TTH 11:00 AM-12:15 PM
SOCI 101-005, Sociological Perspectives, Janelle Viera, TTH 08:00 AM-09:15 AM
SOCI 101-006, Sociological Perspectives, William Holtkamp, MWF 10:10 AM-11:00 AM
SOCI 101-008, Sociological Perspectives, Minne Chen, MWF 11:15 AM-12:05 PM
SOCi 112-001, Social Interaction, Tianhao Zhang, MWF 10:10 AM-11:00 AM
SOCI 122-001, Race & Ethnicity, Kathleen Fitzgerald, TTH 12:30 PM-01:45 PM
SOCI 122-003, Race & Ethnicity, Rocio Rosa-Lebron, MWF 01:25 PM-02:15 PM
SOCI 122-004, Race & Ethnicity, Madeleine Straubel, TTH 05:00 PM-06:15 PM
SOCI 130-001, Family and Society, Shannon Gonzalez, MWF 01:25 PM-02:15 PM, Recitation Required
SOCI 130-002, Family and Society, Shannon Gonzalez, MWF 02:30 PM-03:20 PM, Recitation Required
SOCI 130-003, Family and Society, Jordan Young, MWF 10:10 AM-11:00 AM, Recitation Required
SOCI 180-001, Intro Global Population Health, Bethany Stoutamire, MWF 09:05 AM-09:55 AM
SOCI 444-001. Race, Class & Gender, Erin Davenport, MWF 10:10 AM-11:00 AM
VIET 102-001, Elementary Vietnamese II, Minh Nguyen, MWF 12:20 PM-01:10 PM
VIET 204-001, Intermediate Vietnamese II, Sunny Vo, MWF 01:25 PM-02:15 PM
Women and Gender studies
WGST 101-001, Introduction to Women’s Studies, Nicole Else-quest, MW 12:20 PM-01:10 PM, Recitation Required
WGST 224-001, Introduction to Gender and Communication, TBA, MWF 10:10 AM-11:00 AM
WGST 224-002, Introduction to Gender and Communication, TBA, MWF 10:10 AM-11:00 AM
WGST 224-003, Introduction to Gender and Communication, TBA, MWF 11:15 AM-12:05 PM
WGST 442-001, Gender, Class, Race & Mass Media, Barbara Friedman, TTH 03:30 PM-04:45 PM